The unique medicinal plants for skin rejuvenation

It is known that herbal medicine is effective not only in the treatment of infusions and decoctions. The beneficial properties of plants for centuries, successfully used to maintain the beauty and freshness of the skin.

Many women who do not want to spend the money for expensive anti-canus cosmetics and prefer natural remedies. Herbs for facial wrinkles, which help not only refresh the skin. They do not contain preservatives and other chemical compounds that are added to industrial cosmetics.

The use of herbs for the skin

Herbs for face skin

Herbs have a unique effect on the skin.They have anti-inflammatory, healing, nourishing and tonic properties. Plants are the real storehouse of nutrients. In their chemical composition has everything you need for skin care ingredients, such as:

  • Trace elements. Protect the skin from the adverse effects of which are involved in all metabolic processes. Stimulate natural elastin, which support skin elasticity.
  • Vitamins. Participate in the processes of cell metabolism, promotes cell regeneration, nourishes the dermis.
  • Essential oil. Restore the skin, saturate with oxygen, slowing down the aging process. Have antioxidant action.
  • Peptides and amino acids. Activate the cell renewal process and collagen production. Amino acids are able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis, smoothing even the deepest wrinkles.
  • Tannins. Reduce swelling, regulate the sebaceous glands. The astringent tightens the skin deflectens.
  • The organic acid. To accelerate the update of the skin, stimulates collagen production. Have a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
  • Alkaloids. The tone of the skin.
  • In the glycosides. Effective cleaning and whitening the skin. It also helps with hyperpigmentation.
  • Flavonoids. Strengthening blood vessels. Protection of the skin against UV rays and free radicals.
  • Variable. The most powerful source of resistance against infectious and inflammatory processes on the skin.

Herbs to fight aging

Before you start an anti-aging treatment with herbs, you must set an objective that you seek. Treatment can be to eliminate or inflammation of unwanted pigmentation, toning and firming the skin and for total skin rejuvenation and removal of wrinkles. Herbs from wrinkles use, depending on skin type:

  • For oily skin, recommended st. john's wort, wormwood, common burdock (burdock), sage, nettle, series, Butterbur, mother and mother in law.
  • Dry dermis blooms, after use of such herbs as dandelion, dill, parsley, thyme, yarrow, rosemary, Rowan, Melissa, lavender, chamomile, calendula, hops cones and rose petals.
  • The Problem needs to be carefully care. If you want to make sure that will help verbena, aloe, celandine, Helichrysum, calendula, peppermint, and horsetail.

How to instantly remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes?

Let's start with the most famous, expensive and most dangerous method for rejuvenation of the face - Botox. Yes, Botox is one of the most effective methods to eliminate wrinkles. Except that this is not the cheapest procedure, no one talks about the side effects, which sooner or later appear at all. Here are some of them:

  • vision problems;
  • shortness of breath, impaired speech and deglutitio features;
  • profuse rash on the skin;
  • itching in the use of Botox;
  • palpitations;
  • a feeling of General weakness and fatigue;
Pharmacy tools for rejuvenation

Clever marketing, we will do everything possible to advertise this, or this cream, their job is to sell, not to help people.

I want to warn you, the pricey anti-wrinkle, manufacturers that guarantee results - it is a regular penny moisturizing cream. It is not necessary to be on their tricks, even if on the packaging means "clever words," it is written, how and with what components, operating drug.
Folk remedies

The great advantage of home remedies is that they are all based on natural ingredients and will not cause harm to the body. But as practice shows, the use of them is so little that it is barely noticeable result.

Recipes for skin rejuvenation

Facial care herbs

A series of beauty treatments and a selection of herbs depends on the structure of the skin. Care is carried out through a variety of beauty methods:

  • Mask;
  • Compress;
  • Lotions and tonics;
  • Led;
  • Steam bath.

Anti-aging herbal mask to tighten and nourish the skin. Fill them with substances that stimulate cell regeneration and collagen production. Before you apply the mask, clean and steam the skin. After removing the mask, apply a layer of nourishing cream. That not procedure is recommended 2 times a week.

Recipe 1. If you want to restore your aging skin will help mask of sage, Linden flowers, st. john's wort and chamomile. For the preparation of a mask from the dried or fresh raw material, which is made in equal parts, 30 g. If they are dried herbs, they need to grind in a coffee grinder. Fresh plants are crushed in a blender. Dry powder boiled with a small amount of boiling water and leave to stand for 5 minutes. Paste of fresh plant is slightly squeezed, and the juice is retained in a separate bowl. The derived mass (in both cases) add one teaspoon of sour cream and olive oil. Mix well, and then applied to the skin. Keep the mask must be at least 10 minutes.

The juice from fresh herbs collected in the process of forming the mask, dilute 1 tbsp vodka and 1 tbsp water. Use the resulting composition in the morning, as a lotion.

Recipe 2. The composition of this mask contains herbs that rejuvenate the skin. Vervain, sage, aloe, hops, and nettle ordinary. The method of preparation of the mask is the same as in the first recipe. However, instead of sour cream, 1 tablespoon honey, diluted in half with warm milk. With regular use of this tool visibly reduced not only mimic, but also deep wrinkles.

Compresses and lotions

Compresses and lotions help to cleanse the skin and saturated with useful substances. For their use decoctions or infusions of all the herbs from wrinkles. For best measures, we need five different herbs in a single tool.

The cooking of soup is as follows:

  • Herbs, taken in equal proportions, pour over with boiling water. Keep in a water bath for at least 10 minutes. 1 tsp dry raw material or 50 g of fresh herbs, you'll need 200 ml of water.
  • Ready broth is filtered, cooled, and stored in the refrigerator, not more than two days.

Recipe for the preparation of infusions containing the same proportions of ingredients and the liquid as in the preparation of soups. The tincture differs in this, that instead of water use vodka, and the composition is not subjected to heat treatment. Just combine all the ingredients, and then dene composition in a dark place, not less than 10 days. Ready means that is should be kept in a dark, cool place.

The tincture is prepared tonics and lotions. Enough to dilute infusion of boiled, but cold water in the ratio of 1:1,5.

Prepare a lotion based on the dry white wine. For this approach, verbena, pharmacy chamomile and aloe juice. All the ingredients take 1 tbsp. l. A mixture of the crushed, and pour over with 250 ml of wine. Insist 10 days. apply lotions and tonics, preferably 2 times per day, alternating tools.

Cosmetic ice Ice cubes for face

Ice, on the basis of herbs for skin rejuvenation, is an excellent preventive measure. His constant use of the tones of the skin and keeps it fresh for a long time.

The preparation of ice decoction of herbs, spilling into molds, and freeze in the freezer.

Steam baths

This procedure is performed to cleanse the face before applying the mask. Flavored steam not only deep cleans and opens the pores. The essential oil secreted under the influence of hot water, nourishes and protects the skin. Steam bath is also used as an aromatherapy action that helps to relieve fatigue and stress.

Rules for the use of phytocosmetics

Herbs from wrinkles on the face can be used in the form of decoctions, infusions or extracts. For their preparation suitable pharmacy raw materials, and plant produced independently. Buy herbs on the market, herbalists, or online. The shelf life of fresh herbs, which may not be longer than three days (in a cool room). For the preparation of the necessary funds according to the options immediately after collection. Dry herbs can be used at any time.

Before using herbal remedies from wrinkles test for allergenicity. A small amount of apply on the inner part of the elbow and leave for 24 hours. If you don't have redness or irritation of the skin can be used safely for cosmetic procedures.

There are contraindications to the use of herbs as an anti-aging means. This is a malignant tumor and idiosyncrasy. In the presence of skin wounds and recent scars, herbs can be used only after consulting with an expert.

Herbs from wrinkles on the face, have a positive effect, if the assets, which are based on them are used regularly, over a long period of time. It is also recommended to periodically alternate the tools and the types of cosmetic procedures.